Saturday, May 04, 2019

AFTER Near Helikon by Trumbull Stickney ( Guardian) A query of introspection

AFTER    Near Helikon by Trumbull Stickney  ( Guardian)

  A query of introspection

Whither is the mood?  Whither my favorite
Mountain song and  ranges, where memory
hangs still a canopy unalloyed and steadfast;
At the end of cool summer’s day, when  at times
Pockets go dry  and wry, Muse at your beck and call
Sits by the shore and sings along a lonely way,
 Hymns and odes  sky and  wheeling surf
Roll ever  the sands and moon shines. My troubled
Life  hums again on the mosaic of the past
Where opulence and glory pouring in.
Like many thoughtless and more on spending spree,
me too; failed to catch the Riches by forelock;
still ringing the parrots and peacocks dance
on the tall woody branches; dilapidated house,
where ghosts supposedly haunt still, the lone girl
shuts the window opposite the grilled house.  

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