Saturday, March 30, 2019

supplication ( Guardian

Supplication ( Guardian)

Oh! Lord, oh! God,
I am in this city of poly cultures,
Demi -gods, saints, atheists,
Prayer halls and religious lectures,
I believe in You, move with the
Believing non -believers ; chat
With pecking birds and blooming
Rose buds and green savannas where
There is   God’s plenty like full throated
flow of chirping and Vedas;            

 But of late, there is calumny and chaos
and killer instinct and  razing competition;
descend to mend and bend those unbending;       
You are tired of telling where they have gone
Wrong, for wronging is in their blood,
Such adamant creatures; Oh! God descend
Now to quell their arrogance twined with
Stupidity, a determined will to thwart ancient  
beliefs and dictums. Now is the time to guard,
 to reckon my fealty  to You forever.


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