Saturday, March 30, 2019

supplication ( Guardian

Supplication ( Guardian)

Oh! Lord, oh! God,
I am in this city of poly cultures,
Demi -gods, saints, atheists,
Prayer halls and religious lectures,
I believe in You, move with the
Believing non -believers ; chat
With pecking birds and blooming
Rose buds and green savannas where
There is   God’s plenty like full throated
flow of chirping and Vedas;            

 But of late, there is calumny and chaos
and killer instinct and  razing competition;
descend to mend and bend those unbending;       
You are tired of telling where they have gone
Wrong, for wronging is in their blood,
Such adamant creatures; Oh! God descend
Now to quell their arrogance twined with
Stupidity, a determined will to thwart ancient  
beliefs and dictums. Now is the time to guard,
 to reckon my fealty  to You forever.


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Poem after (Hay Jude)

Poem   after  (Hay Jude)

Hay   Man!  When you sing  a song,
let it be so loud that  it is curious
mixture of  extreme  joy  to invite
all merry youngsters to join and revel;
let the song be also  tempered in mood
of justified  anger and frustration that angels
descend to appease you in  diction
of clairvoyance and protection.

This is  a colorful world replete
With resplendence and Nature’s
Beauty  and Bounty  in all its  forms;
Even the ocean gyrating in great
Colors including the surf and swathes ;
Why only black and white?

Oh! Man , think of your childhood days,
 With cola and kite ever playing on the streets,
Getting  a warm scolding from your mom,
For the sunburnt face and  home work not done.
Now  you are grown, wearing a sun glass,
 Venturing into many new feats and success.

Sing along ,sign aloud a  merry song,
Also a prayer to The Almighty,
Beseeching His Guidance and   Divine Succor.


Saturday, March 16, 2019



AT times browsing  HIS book on Milton,
Taking  a  gentle stroll on the green savanna,
A soft mellifluous note by flute springing
From  afar,sparrows twitter by ivy’s opulence;
his looks at a  child  in frilled skirt, dancing
round  with blooming crackers all over;
 Also  a girl with a water can in teens,
Gurgling on her sari, her humming  a romantic tune
From the firmaments blessings of showers, a glow
All around. Speedy gale shedding all leaves of ivy,
His  mind’s eye forewarn, not to  cross his boundaries:
Greatness lies in admiring from afar, not getting
Polluted by momentary lapse into skin’s itch;
He ponders if an ode to the innocence of the child,
If a lyric to the pleasing ears of the serenading girl
Would  suffice the need of the hour; his dictates
Tell him, as long as he abides by qualms
of conscience and morality,  a smooth nod
 his guiding star.

Thursday, March 07, 2019

Joker or poker -a show (guardian)

Joker or poker -a show (guardian)

All play and buffoonery and jokes
healthy wealthy, best for blood
circulation and tendons growth.
Audience prefers most of the time.
But we go to the hall for  a theme
A story, a move of  uncontrollable
emotion, Not for tears swelling down.
Let music glow and thrall, keep
Us spell bound. Let the clowns
Come and go at intervals;
Let us all leave the hall with
Balanced mood of satisfaction.


Wednesday, March 06, 2019

A Card with worth what?

A Card  with worth  what?
IT is a   card, not  a board,
Square  card,portable,
Pocket able, light yet,
Full of weight in times
Of need, more  for luxury.

Gone are those days of
Jingling coins and  fresh notes
Of currency emitting full aura
As if from the Mint,in bundles
and banded with a   knot.

A card with a  pin but not
Dateless; like  humans, this
 Electronic Wizard  too has
Expiry date, entry point and
Exit at your own willed accord.

Forgot pin at the store point,
Shops and  malls and mega marts;
A quandary for me and family;
Those in queue an added tension,
Time is running out for all in this.
Machine age with server down;
Manual rescue to redeem our risk
always a  boon and delectable pleasure.


Saturday, March 02, 2019

poker ( after guardian


Where are the  vessels? Where is the radio?              
Where is the poker? The maid in usual tone
Raises her voice against the mystery of missing
Objects. What a cunning world we live in? she
Screams ; always scheming and plundering is the
way of the world.  Pepper  and  salt always nil
in the bottles, easily transported to a paper or portable
plastic container. Oh! Maintaining the house is
onerous task indeed, she mumbles clearing all
grains split on the floor by mishap of rattling
from the cupboard.  Oil smeared on gas oven,
will take months together to wipe and clean
the soot . Her lady was away for a week,
maid became slowly slackened and  other
subordinates became culprits in outlook
and action.  Maid shudders and shivers in
shoes; thinking how best to answer her head.
 The cupboards and slabs all hungry now
Adding to her hunger and anger.