Supplication ( Guardian)
Oh! Lord, oh! God,
I am in this city of poly
Demi -gods, saints, atheists,
Prayer halls and religious
I believe in You, move
with the
Believing non -believers ;
With pecking birds and
Rose buds and green savannas
There is God’s plenty
like full throated
flow of chirping and
But of late, there is calumny and chaos
and killer instinct and razing competition;
descend to mend
and bend those unbending;
You are tired of
telling where they have gone
Wrong, for
wronging is in their blood,
Such adamant
creatures; Oh! God descend
Now to quell their
arrogance twined with
Stupidity, a
determined will to thwart ancient
beliefs and dictums.
Now is the time to guard,
to reckon my fealty to You forever.