Saturday, February 23, 2019

Guardian ( as you set out )

Guardian  ( as you set out )

Life is  undoubtedly a   two way  path
Intertwining in your coil of success and
Failures, soars and serendipity; an edge.
Arrival and departure lounges, ever busy
tracking and passengers  dragging baggage;
their indomitable destiny, chasing   karma
vigilant devouring their plans and ambitions.

Short notice, your landlord vacates your
Apartment, your  in-laws mushrooming
On the plundered  coins  gathered in the
Garb of  have-nots and   it is your  duty,
Some argued boldly and assertively.
Your intuition tells, “get ready” . your
Grandchildren already bidding adieu.

Your bed slowly  slipping you  to a
Better place of eternity, comfort and care.
Bills and  payments and loans and redemptions
Shares  to the next generations.
Yes! You set out to a different world!

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