Saturday, September 08, 2018

The gulls ( after Guardian)

 The gulls ( after Guardian)
Here   by the  rocky shore,
where poet’s creativity is  dulcet,
by the  dunes of pebbles
where urchins play hide and seek,
above the blue rim shining
where the gulls circle around,
with  their own language aloud,
grass still growing and so much
floating still by the water, seaweed
breeding  green ready for fisherman’s
culinary taste; where poet muses by the
cut thread of the kite, and the kite fritter
in air, still establishing its own independence.
From here, you move on to a different zone,
Of change, a space undefined, where you question
Origin of Birth and Death; Where man and child
are the same, or still a nameless body of void
and unspoken. Return to Nature of emptiness.


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