Friday, June 15, 2018

poem after Guardian ‘ leaving home at 10 Harry Garuba

Poem after Guardian ‘ leaving home  at 10 Harry Garuba

Nothing  is more poignant and  sadder  than
Leaving  home, away home to a  far off  school,
 For betterment of future prospects, as elders  opine.
Grand mother and  grandfather amidst farewell ,
Unwilling  and tears swelling  over cheeks;
The  moment of departure came,
Those are the days of horse drawn vehicle,
Called  jhatka,  carrying me to the boarding school.
This is the moment of     introspection and
unWilling surrender to elders’  decision.

How can I forget my  early tender days ,
Even now tender, no one  can gainsay it,
my cricket bat, my photo album  and
 favorite books- Robinson Crusoe and Jim
carbett; collected  stamps all preserved in
good earnest in my cupboard,  how can I
forget my days of mango snatching in
summer days  running fast  to avoid the
ever watchful guard ,when his eyes  elude him.
All these I am going to miss , right away
During my  journey , I started looking  forward
My holidays. Sure to come back with  a new
Language, new approach to  life.

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