Saturday, February 10, 2018

The light changed by ( after Guardian)

 The light changed by ( after Guardian)

 We no longer walk the same path,
 No longer interact the same way
 by the light, though our eyes are
 the same; stars and sun and
 moon come and go their
 ordained path. Some poets
 call it as their wooing perhaps.
  Dark too unravels much to
  our selves of shell and coiled move.
  No longer same hands,
 as in the past, our channelized roots  
 take us through new and strange.  

 By the same river, woods,
 Yonder rivulet, crows and
 Sparrows ruled their roost by
 Agelong trees with each individual
 tradition and green foliage
 the pride and stay of our village.
  Oh ! God, now the ripe time
  For us to depart to different zone
  Formatted by our karma ;
  Allow our souls to merge with
  The Alone or with stars 
  and journey into a realm
  Of His Will. We comprehend
  His motive and mysterious
  Purport of Life’s entourage.

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