Friday, November 24, 2017

Yogic splendour ( after Guardian)

Yogic  splendour (After guardian)

Rigour for body and dicipline
for mind entwined,you enrobe
for hours in strict yogic posture,
calm and cool,your eyes closed,
at times relaxed too both body
and mind yet towards a farfetched
goal of ceaseless aesthetic peace
and splendour of great  move.

This ageless practice of yogic
vision  and splendour perpetuated
from times before our ken by sages
and seers with  voices  and  visions
always give  us   a therapy in still wisdom;
losses   and gains are always with us
steer  ahead with  the move of day.
what are different poses,yet
all roads  lead to Rome. The gristle
and bone grip us with a  philosophy
while yogic posture  and  while we sit
and medidate. Away from the trappings
of clutter  and clamour !

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