Saturday, October 21, 2017

After the Revolution

After  the revolution

 Ay, But Can Ye? by Vladimir Mayakovsky

Revolution is  ever there in  humanity’s

warring  forum,  not accepting  defeat,

fighting tooth  and nail, unto the last breath,

nations   and  histories   repeat  the motto

we  will shed the last   drop  of  blood.

 Else how  history is  made, remaking 

the  old into new   warf  and 

 weft of  the  parole . Question of

‘why   War’ is  negated.

Let  me paint  the   Olive on  a 

Glass  jar and  extend  by  a   seamless

brush  of  unique  colors ; hold the

candle of  peace and  peace only

sailing the  boat of   eternity  into

 the other world of  serenity.

No more cries of  a stale world.

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