Monday, June 06, 2016

  This    One  Moment
This  one moment  is so precious, so vital,  more tense, of  anxiety  and concern. Do you wonder
Which moment  and for whom? Yes, this is precisely  for  the students, whose results  are announced
Or  going  to be announced. After months/years of  diligence and perseverance and burning  the midnight oil
It is but natural, students wonder as  to  the declaration  of  their  sum of hard work  with  a  tinge of  more and
more of anxiety  and concern. I have seen students getting panicky, why even   I was like that when the
Results  were  announced. All  the more  for  the parents  this  is a   moment of Life and  Death.
 Their care, concern, Furthering   a  move for  the  future  is  one reason: but more than that, the susceptibility  
and  sensitivity  and reaction  for  the neighborhood,  for  the  society  and for  the environment  both   critical
and  acerbic  censure   and  some  with a  wounding  remark.
What  if failure  occurs in   academic  life? It is  not  the question  of  Death. My point of emphasis is that it is a
Matter of concern for  the failed candidates  that  they go to any extreme,we  see in media  and newspaper reports. Life  is  gone  for ever.     Candidate  can take   up   re  exam  and   get  back  the  score and  hon our, but

If  life is gone can we redeem it?  Is it  Not  the duty of parents   and responsible wards to take care of such 
situations  and  instil  more and more of  confidence   and  not  to  blow their( students’) hope  and  energy  of life. 
Finally  my humble  appeal  is  that  benefactors  and   munificent  organisations  with   humanitarian  concerns,
Preferably  government  aided  institutions  specially  designed  and  motivated for this  special purpose of 
Training  and counselling   should  be  set up ;significantly  with the motive of  boosting  confidence   and  instill
The importance    and immediacy of Life  and not the NEGATION. This is  the Moment of  Achievement.


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