Saturday, April 16, 2016

Mother's prayer and concern for her siblings

Mother’s   Prayer and  concern  for  her  siblings

 Fruits   and foliage sing  a  lullaby
 For  the twittering  buds of blossom,
 Mother Earth is for propagation
And  growth to foster  humanity’s
Needs  and nuggets of  survival .
Our forefathers  believed in
 Concept of ritual of marriage
A  time honoured Tradition
For Progeny is very vital.
Ye! Children,  your beauty, wealth
And  estate   and shares should be
Shared by your offspring
When winters cold bites us
Pushing us into  a corner,
Your care  we need, for the
Womb  to be blessed. Sooner
You all ring  the bell of
Matrimony for a pleasant
 Lineage of  patrimony.

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