Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sawing of the Wood

            Sawing  Of  the  Wood

Sitting  on the Mahogany   table 
 I  View  the Chippendale curio
On the wall, an emblem of  grandfather
Days, decor on the  long painted wall.
The  same  hearth  also  saw  the
Cabin  of termites in the backyard .
Ere the days of chainsaw, the raw
Wood cutting, carpenter’s dexterity
Coupled with his see-saw axe.
Saw  history  and serendipity,
 Designer’s  technical   mastery.
The  wood  cutting   a   rough job
 It  is  a  seasoned semi roar from
The  hands  and  the  blades of  axe.
Saw  dust   sprinkled   all over
 Besmear  the  scenario. Now
 I see  the about to be felled
 Round giant   Tree. A segregation
Of  Nature from  Man.Eve’s  Taste
Our distaste. Distaste  for much.
In the darkness, falls  many a leave
For   a  bright  morrow
 to  unravel mystery.  

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