What Is A Man?
The most
Gifted with the powerful
Gift of Reason
on this plenipotentiary
Earth, yet most of
the times,
Ruled by the Unreasoning Power,
Due to some Reason
or the other,
We tend to
think a conundrum,
But he is
not; the other side is
Deliberate self
made hardened tegument.
What is living? Within four walls,
Cooking half
Eating, the
raw, for you
are running
the rat race
to your work spot.
Also cleaning, Dishwashing,
chanting His Divinity,
Holy names, brushing
The unhealthy whispers.
What is believing?
Believing to believe
The unbelievable, also
To belie the same,
Curiously this is for some
Vituperantly vicious.
Yet, Belief for some
Is the Faith
Forever, ever, ever.
What is
a Gift? A symbol
Of love and
Of Gratitude
Your heart,
Not merely in
your cupboard
Or wallet, but
Stays in
You, reminding Its Value.
What is
the world? Ocean
Of experiences to
delve and
Swim and come
up, face
Reality, Brave the
Sing the Song of
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