Saturday, October 10, 2015

In The Midst Of Thinking Herd

     In  the  midst of  thinking  herd

It was  neither a dream, nor  a passing  vision,
But   a  reality tinged with  emotion  and  sympathy.
You  prefer  to  walk to  have  a  reprieve
From  killing  chores and pressures.
These  days  you like  the company of
Serene  and secluded, minding  their own  way,
Harmless; in a  way dumb herds of  cows
And   deer, packed binds  to  that of
Sinister looking mankind who mostly
Thinks in ill  harbouring  way.
Ruminating  in their own way,
herd moves  on.
Looking  at   the slopes of mountains,
God  had created the flowers  and shrubs
For  the sake of  animal  ken. Ripples
By  which  they  rest a while
Always move on .This  is a better home.

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