Thursday, July 30, 2015

Dividing Wall

            Dividing Wall.

It  is  not   the  Great  Wall  of  China.
A wall of  brick  and mortar   and  sands,
Two families   made  a  demarcation  line,
A boundary  line  for  their  moves and
Mixing desires   and maladies too.
Wall, silent  witness  for  the  happenings.

Crows  and  flies   and  crossing  cats
Don’t  make  any distinction  as we do.           
 Jubilant Festivities   and   painful farewells
 come and   go. Citations    that come
out of  calendar   and  visitations   that
occur   do   their  missions   as  ordained.

Buoyancy  and bitterness ,  brick  carries,
Stories   and    age long angst   are  there,
And  adamant  ruthless ,unprotected
Measures it  has  seen, what   for.
Perchance it cries  within, endlessly,
Who knows the fiasco  or  grand   outcome,

I talk, think  and  cry from within,
My only listener , the wall, is the  friend,
Living  in the  land of  grand sires  and
Storytelling ,cradle rocking  grandmas,
Vedas, Seers  and  visionary  sages,
What  did  we achieve?  Perhaps renting,
Relentless, ranting   and plundering.


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