Friday, July 31, 2015

My Body,My Soul.

   My Body, My Soul.

My Body, this cascade of
 Emotions, desires,prayers,
Meditations  and sanctimonious
Cogitations   and wills  and
Storage of  wounds:

Is  an  asylum  for Soul,
Or  The  Soul  according 
To  the dictates of  its
Previous Birth, rests 
For  a while, a  sojourn.

Utterance of  Love  and Language,
 Speech  and  Serendipity,
Serenity  and   Soul’s  anguish,
are  all  admirable dwelling  in the
body,  Soul’s  sacred  parts  too.

Soul, this  unseen enigma ,                                  
Acts  upon  the   visible  Body,
Volatile    and vicarious.
Both of  them are intertwined,
Both  act  and  react.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Dividing Wall

            Dividing Wall.

It  is  not   the  Great  Wall  of  China.
A wall of  brick  and mortar   and  sands,
Two families   made  a  demarcation  line,
A boundary  line  for  their  moves and
Mixing desires   and maladies too.
Wall, silent  witness  for  the  happenings.

Crows  and  flies   and  crossing  cats
Don’t  make  any distinction  as we do.           
 Jubilant Festivities   and   painful farewells
 come and   go. Citations    that come
out of  calendar   and  visitations   that
occur   do   their  missions   as  ordained.

Buoyancy  and bitterness ,  brick  carries,
Stories   and    age long angst   are  there,
And  adamant  ruthless ,unprotected
Measures it  has  seen, what   for.
Perchance it cries  within, endlessly,
Who knows the fiasco  or  grand   outcome,

I talk, think  and  cry from within,
My only listener , the wall, is the  friend,
Living  in the  land of  grand sires  and
Storytelling ,cradle rocking  grandmas,
Vedas, Seers  and  visionary  sages,
What  did  we achieve?  Perhaps renting,
Relentless, ranting   and plundering.


Thursday, July 23, 2015

     Now  comes  the  Baby with  the  Boon.

After  painful labour for the expectant  mother,
It is equally  a  labour  for  the  new  arrival,
For  it is  entirely  a  new world it is going  to see.
From cosy  to cruel, from  calm  to cantankerous,
A  new  entry. A table  or  television it beholds,
What does it matter? All the same. The   nurse
Holds  in a   spongy  cloth, the  chubby spongy
Baby,  blessed , Boon comes  to  you,
Transforming  all  your  worries.
A  smile, a cute  caw  or coo, the baby language
 Is    the predictive verdict of  your  future.
Its  carefully  folded  palm, tiny  and fragile
Forays more of a broader perspective
Of  this angst ridden world.   In  the  eventide
It  is  the  Moon, shines  and pours
With  the benign assurance of a   Seer.

It  is  the pot of  luck.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

We are in Good Hands

    We  are  in Good  Hands

Looking  back, now  at  the  moment  too,
Of  uncertainty  and  loss
Domineering   us  with  a  grin  of
Holistic  approach.
Holding  our  hands together,
We  feel  we  are in  Good Hands.
Hands  that  ward   off  all  sins,
Dowse   all  cinders   of  animosity
We  are in Good  Hands.
Miraculously Love from Above
Has  appeared to  us,
Redeeming  the  lost  generation,
We  are  now  Gifted  for
We  are  in  Good  Hands.

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Swan sings

        Swan  sings

Come !  My inevitable   end.
Ye! Shores, blow with  the 
White surfs, I cannot  battle,
For  my  days  are over,
I see   the   flora  and  fauna
Gyrating    for days  and  months,
Don’t desire   to compete  with them,
For they  are God ordained.
limpid   is   my  mind,
When  I am  done, fragile
Wings  reach  ashore,      

Pray, give me  clean  burial.                                    

Thursday, July 02, 2015

The River Stood Still.

      The  River  Stood  still.

Between  the   hurried, vivid,
Voiced  notations  of 
Mutual  cries  of  Stop  and  Go,
Blossoms  of  ambitions  go .
Silkworms   remembered and preserved.
  They  Glow,  also   warp  and weave of  threads.

I did not  sleep, for peeping  through
My sill of the window,gives me energy;
Stars   and   sun always  shine
To assuage  our  grievances
The   azure  also  unfolding  its umbrella
 always  holds  The  key  of  cheers.

I recollect, when  I was  hardly  ten,
You  held  my hand   and  walked  together,
The  river  stood  still, 
Now  also  stands  still,  for
Things  are  changed.  I  hear  a  Voice
From  Nowhere, “ I am  ever  by  your  side”.