Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Drawing Waters( Broad Theme) --Human Values.

Drawing  waters--  ( Broad  theme--  Human values.)

We  have  been  drawing  waters,
From munificent wells  that  don’t  fail  us.
Drawing   and drawing till our
muscles   and  hands  decry  for  a while:
At  intermittent   breaks, only when
We   got  exhausted . It  is just to   
 nourish  our kitchen  garden,
Watering is  pleasant and productive.
Gain  for  the roots   and nourishing  plants.
I came for a  while  to  rest  on the mound,
How  they  have been  drawing, drawing
On  the  sources, those  hard-earned,
Coffers slowly  wail  a bitter  cry
Of  emptiness. Bundled  received  are
Toil  of sweat  and blood,
insatiate   those  that  draw  still
and steady   and seeping 
into  madness. Drawing  goes  on.

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