Monday, June 29, 2015

Struggle to Serendipity

                         Struggle to  Serendipity.  ( Free  Verse)
  Inter twined wedge  of  locks  on  Shiva’s
  Head  and  Sacred  ashes on  His Forehead.
  Assuage  my  tormented  Soul, for   all prevail
 From  ancient  Time Honoured  Tradition.
 Rule   our  cosmic  Universe. Water flows,
Sanctified  water  it is, call  it  Ganges.
Why? It originates   from there?
 you  call  Sacred,  purgatorial,
it  cleanses  all our  pitfalls, sins.
A drop, a pinch is  enough .
My cloud  is vanishing.

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Four Lettered Word 'Love'

    The  Four  Lettered  Word  ‘Love’
We   all cry/crave  for  Love,
The  word  has  myriad  moorings:
Conjugal,benign, human,humanitarian,
All   stem  from  a genuine  care  and affection.
The  whole  universe   believes
In  propagation/  obstreperous   mankind
 in Multiplication. Luminous  stars
 and galaxy  shine   as  if   pouring 
a  Benediction. Love  brings  both
pain   and  pleasure in its own
inimitable  way. Whether  it is
a  matter of  integration  or  disintegration,
Love  has  its  charm, sacrifice  and serendipity.
It  has  its  own  Space  and spirit.

This Space

        This   Space.
This   Space, this   phenomenal   grid,
Ageless  aeon, impartial  container
Sets  sail  and   time its  anchorage.
Love  and   lure  in  abundance,
Yet, man  pecks   at  the hard,
 Savourless    Fruit  of   hatred
To  his  vantage  and destruction.

Read   the   prima face   of  the 
Heart  within  its  chambers,
Can  you?  Luptub,  subtle  and  steady,
the   rhymed    beat goes on, but,
the  beating  of  emotions  lurking
beneath   don’t  come  to  the
surface  until  culled   and  wrought out.

You  and  I loll  into  this  unique space,
Seeing   how   many  different faces
Out vying  the  spatial  nudge.
The scars, skirmishes, scabs -all  these
Are there. But   the  deep  wound  cuts
Stay  and  distil  a  vehement  mark
On  you until   we merge  with  the  soil.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

                   I want   to change  my life.

Galvanising Agent, my Will power, sturdy   as ever,
Propels me.  I come out to meet  up  with  people,
Without   crossing the boundary line.
This cursed Age, or Blessed, Age factor
Restrains  my move. Now  I can  break out  all
Strong boxes and wheeling   obstacles
Only  with   Seer’s   Grace. It is  He  who 
Serenades  the  time  honored  custom  of
Patience embedded  in  Value.  Observe
The shared  feelings of   Share  autos  and
Mini buses.Water,drought, stars   and celestial
Are always there. But people want listeners.
Before  we vanish,  so  much  to learn,know.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

No Mourning,they are still alive-(Broad theme-War and Death).

)  No  mourning, they are still  alive. –(  Broad  theme- War  and death.)

Those  historic  skulls, bones,
Deadening, as they  appear,
Yet, evoke  a sense of delving into
That warring  past, alive in
Our  thinking  mode,
Blood and baton warn
Us of our  cursed  doom.
and  meaningless  living. 
They admonish those inhuman,
What  did  they  achieve?
Left us ,remnants  to beguile
Ourselves,  to  preach you,
Warn you, we  are not dead
We are  alive here. To perpetuate
Some sanity in you.

Drawing Waters( Broad Theme) --Human Values.

Drawing  waters--  ( Broad  theme--  Human values.)

We  have  been  drawing  waters,
From munificent wells  that  don’t  fail  us.
Drawing   and drawing till our
muscles   and  hands  decry  for  a while:
At  intermittent   breaks, only when
We   got  exhausted . It  is just to   
 nourish  our kitchen  garden,
Watering is  pleasant and productive.
Gain  for  the roots   and nourishing  plants.
I came for a  while  to  rest  on the mound,
How  they  have been  drawing, drawing
On  the  sources, those  hard-earned,
Coffers slowly  wail  a bitter  cry
Of  emptiness. Bundled  received  are
Toil  of sweat  and blood,
insatiate   those  that  draw  still
and steady   and seeping 
into  madness. Drawing  goes  on.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Take on Breezeway.

     Take  on Breezeway.

I  feel the cool, salutary  breeze
That  blows  from the trees  and  afar,
As  free  as Freedom  itself,
Breeze  piercing even  the  conch
Of   Devas   and  Seers.
Breeze  passes   and    pacifies
My  dull spirited  self,
Seamlessly  going  through
The  deadwood  of  my  body,
Serenades   Only  soul
Which   is  alive.
We live  to  execute  our
Carved out  experimentation
And  expectations  too.
Until  then no  dying.
Breeze blows  out .

Friday, June 05, 2015

A Take On All Day It Has Rained.

      A Take  on  All Day It Has Rained.           

Rain! Rain!  Splashes of  Rain
We  construe, as unbounded  Mercy
On Humans, on Earth. The energizing
Touches  on quay, construction  sites,
parched  fields, staving  farmers,
dry wells, hospitals   and   charities,
pray  with  Mantras worshiping 
God of  Rains, propitiating  all  the Times.
Oh!  Firmament, when you  too  become
Hard hearted, like  the stony man’s undulating
With  pride   and   greed, where  can  we
The  needy  go?  Pour  like   Cleopatra’s Love,
Let   the cups of seeping  earth  flow,
Overflow, with   your   gain   and  go.
Assuage   summer’s  heat  and 

Abate  our  sweat.  Rain   and  rains pour.