Friday, November 07, 2014

Take on The end of birth's enterprise-Dylan Thomas.

     Guardian’s take on  The end of birth’s enterprise  -Dylan Thomas

  The end of  all  time,
The end of  birth’s enterprise,
I earnestly pray that it should be
The  ultimate  and final end of
All testing, vicarious,  bad times.
This  end  should lead to the glory
And birth of all good times and deeds.
The end of birth’s enterprise  also,
As  it is with   its eddying  current
Like  a  River  meandering,
 zig zag,  directionless, its
 destination too .Like  the humans,
the  River also feels  that   its
flowing, living  is  Birth’s   small crime.

 I shun  not Sun,   and   I little
Cared  for identity  and  quick  fame.
I wish  to   tend  in my  garden
The  salutary plant of   jasmine,
 I  lay down and closed my eyes,
 Seeking  for  a new lease
 Of  life for  the Soul.


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