Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Take on " Once There Came A Man"

                   Once   There  Came  a  Man
Once   There  Came  A Man,
 Not  in  trousers, or  denim   suits,
But  with  a  magic wand  around   His neck,
From  Shrushti   He came as usual,
Yet  unusual in His  Form  and  dimensions:
Two legs ,two  hands   and two  eyes,
Ever  active, spiralling  on   charity ,
Religious  ceremony and hegemony
Of  Holy  Trinity, embodiment of
Creator, preserver and Destroyer.     
  Yet, Suffice  not  to  convince  the 
Erring   and  warring ,egoistic  humanity.
Yet universal  and  unseen, seeing  all.
Advocates  charity of  Food  abundant,
Shed  not  blood. As  Ambassadors   are  wont,
Bear  the  brunt of  the growing  evils of  society.
Sun Beams, and  Son  of  universal  Mother shine.
There came  a Man on the West too,
 Was  crucified, blood oozing from his wounds,
Betrayal  surrounded that  Man, crucified .
Shed, flowing  blood.
Wound   not  healed  so far.
Each  Era  has got  its own   Man,
Miracle    Making Man,
For the  sake of  Humanity.

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