Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Life Cries out For Water.

                      My life  cries out  for Water.

    Read  newspapers, reports, TV updates,
    Gathered    a lot  about  these
    Megalomaniac, kleptomaniac   and pyromaniac;
    Yearning  for  the  purgatorial  rivers ,waters
    To  cleanse  all  maniacs in this world.
    My life, This  River of Life, cries  out for
    abrogation, disambiguation, nullification  of
    this  stagnation. Cries  for  water, water  and water;
    to quench  the  thirst,   the abash  the  sinful  cries
   of  Karma’s   unyielding  travelogue.  Let it doused
   by  the  water’s doubling   Fury. Water, water!

Friday, October 24, 2014

A Take on lament.

     A  take on  lament.

These   are  the  age old  flats ,
That  housed  many  families ,
Many children   reared  and   schooled.
Age  has  its   toll on  crumbling  walls             
Roofs; the  panicky  owners  handed over
The once majestic  mansion  to  builders.
Its  rebirth is in  process  and  progress.

During  my  visits   to this place of
Wonderful  memory  and enchantment ,
Life  undergoes  many  stages of  pain
And  pathos  and  canonisation of your
Suffering, the only way  to suffer and  act
Without  demur.   These  are the  days of
Irretrievable  sin  and  unconfessional  setting.                    

These  puddles, pools in rainy days
The pits which we have carefully avoided
The  water logging in front of our houses,
The swamps   of mosquitoes that breed
Like  unchecked  avarice and   notoriety.
These are unsavoury recollections t that
Sail in your  hearts and  stay like sediments.

Yet, these poems of paper boats
Thrill  and  delight your  sail of days .

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Take on " Once There Came A Man"

                   Once   There  Came  a  Man
Once   There  Came  A Man,
 Not  in  trousers, or  denim   suits,
But  with  a  magic wand  around   His neck,
From  Shrushti   He came as usual,
Yet  unusual in His  Form  and  dimensions:
Two legs ,two  hands   and two  eyes,
Ever  active, spiralling  on   charity ,
Religious  ceremony and hegemony
Of  Holy  Trinity, embodiment of
Creator, preserver and Destroyer.     
  Yet, Suffice  not  to  convince  the 
Erring   and  warring ,egoistic  humanity.
Yet universal  and  unseen, seeing  all.
Advocates  charity of  Food  abundant,
Shed  not  blood. As  Ambassadors   are  wont,
Bear  the  brunt of  the growing  evils of  society.
Sun Beams, and  Son  of  universal  Mother shine.
There came  a Man on the West too,
 Was  crucified, blood oozing from his wounds,
Betrayal  surrounded that  Man, crucified .
Shed, flowing  blood.
Wound   not  healed  so far.
Each  Era  has got  its own   Man,
Miracle    Making Man,
For the  sake of  Humanity.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"And Blood was Shed".

“And  Blood  Was  Shed”.
Blood  was  shed, red blood  was shed,
Sacred  blood  was shed, cause of  unthinking
Brutal   force  of vendetta  and unquenchable  ire:
Ever since the days of Creation,
Ever  since  the  maddening  days of  crusade,
Ever  since  Jerusalem is  in  torn,
Wars  fought, conflicts   mounted up,
Blood  was shed, be it  Lord  Krishna  
In the battlefield, or   be it the son  of    
 Bethlehem when  crucified,  Reason  did  not 
Rule  even   Trojan   war; Kingly blood was
Shed  when Ravana did not  yield  to  his  conscience,  
Due to his  uncompromising  attitude .
Hospitals  wanting  blood, hostility throwing  blood.
Blood  does not proclaim  it is my blood.
Your  blood, his blood , but  body, blood banks
Group blood, yet when shed, it is frozen
As man’s congealed  heart.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Church Bell

            Church  Bell.

Church bell, metallic rings,
With   a sacred   twang of
devotional piety,
Its prolonged  hymn like rhythm,
Ringing  some distance  afar, 
You walk miles  away,
Carry  a   special  symphony.

 Now  I am in the special  ward
 A visitor  of  my  kith , craving
To see me  after  a  long time. Octogenarian              
Sitting  back  to  chat  and  smile.
Intermittent   coughs and  breathing   problems.
At  your  age, don’t  know  if   I will be ...
Cheer  up! Cheer up! I console .
My eyes suddenly caught up                             
With  fair  and    young  girl, yet
 wan with Something, not  answered
by the lup-tup of  her  heart;
   No, certainly  not the ripe time to
Ruminate about  the  Rebirth  and
Re incarnation ;may be skipping  rod

And pending  home work  stand before her.
Chill  bronchitis affected her; Treatment  is going on.
She innocently Looking  into the glass  bowl,
 her reflection, assures  her  growing charm.
The  glass   YERA  bowl slips  and falls to pieces,
The  testing  doctor  smiles  reassurdly,
Think   and thank your bugging evil 
around you, is gone.
You are out of danger. Have a long  life.
A day in the ward
Speaks volumes  of philosophy.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

# Fog - Micro poem

            # Fog -   Micro poem
I  inconsolably pity my predicament,
For under  the  misty, elusive, cap
Of  this  fog, this cover of  conniving
Ignorance  and darkening devils’ doings
 This life  lived  so far. Your  advent  dispels
 The  trauma  of  schemed  villainy.
 Fog  lurks  into  shameful, dissipated  rummage.


Thursday, October 09, 2014

"Have We Missed The Tide?"

“Have  we missed  the tide”?

Sitting  by  the   busy, roaring shore,
Fothy  tidal  waves, splashing
As if against our  preconceived
Adamant  attributes: I bury  myself
In the ageless  aeon of  marooned  days 
And   agitations, mystifying  us.
Yes. They are Dashing, still
The  crabs  are  unharmed.
Perhaps   they   fortify
 their  sandy  mansions .
They  are  happy  in their  ancient
 Friendly, seamless  salty borders,
watery  Abode  of fathomless
Caves  and coves tricky  and  swallowing.
Some  where  some question in my 
Conscience, hangs; have  we  missed   that  tide?
Particular  tide  steering  our life
Into  a  safe mode, fighting   against
All slings  and  arrows.
A sage  plays  on his  flute, immersed
In his  Divine  notations, as if foresees

That  tide  will  return  soon  and  sure.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Hold On Tight( Creative non-fiction).

                                    Hold  On  Tight. (Creative non –fiction)
It  is, no doubt  sombre  November, the  sky is missing   Sun,  the Majestic  Boss, yet  wearing  the  fake  cap  of  cloudy line. My beloved city where I was born  wears  a festive look, with  a  fastidious shopping   humanity moving in  and out. For  it is  Diwali  season. Where  do  I stand?   Paying   homage, respects to those departed Souls, think of their peregrinations, imagine their whereabouts in other world. A plausible constraint for the aged, maturing, singing Soul’s favourite beat.
I believe   visiting a select near and dear to  me, only way of celebrating this festivity. Those  that  are alive, seek  their Blessings, spend a  couple of  hours,  chit chat,  also with a  view to gloss over  where this troubled   generation  is taking you, Hidden  Bliss  or  Amiss. You know not. I boarded the luxury, express bus, which cannot compete our wandering, jostling tribe of thoughts, imaginations; occupied the window, not only for the wind  to serenade  you, also to avoid  standees’ jolting  touch of  magnanimity  and force.  The quick accustomed hands of the conductor efficient in tearing, handing  over   the little  passport, of course only temporary, move on, managing restless  move, he  inching  the passage  inside,  with the whistle  blowing. What a tough job!
 I peer through the window, the relentless hawkers, bus tops  where there are no sheds or  shelters, liveried  hotel boys, above all  big queues of water pots , as   usual impatient two wheelers, cars   and ambulance in the same  row. The school children  with  a  cart load of  books, their  burdens, some munching   Their memory card ,how many wars of Panipat fought, between whom and all  the more  the  exact  Dates. Sudden  hope of  Sun peeping out , giving me  some  rest  that half dried  up clothes in the balcony would  feel  the warmth.   In the next stop, my attention  was drawn in  and out of the moving VIP.
 I could   sense some commotion, some boy  running fast, almost jumping  the   barricade opposite road.  Checking inspectors were standing, faithfully carrying out their   mission.  I am prying into the nook and corner
of the stuffed bag. Sense of  trauma  begins to chill  my blood  veins.  A mock dramatic  panicked imagination,
nothing less  than  a  trauma of   being caught, reprimanded  in public, taken in the  van- getting   rehearsed in my mind.
 ‘Many a  muttering: now a days ,educated are the unreliable, why? she cant  afford to buy ? is she that careless? Some wondering. I heard she is  an academician : the inspector approaching me, the conductor looking helplessly on, the jeer of co passengers, cold  sneer of onlookers. Pay the penalty or  get into  the  van.  My conscience clarifies Your   wallet should carry the buxom penalty. The Senior  citizen Stamp, will  it  come to me rescue?
Air Planes  to post offices, this Stamp gains me ,but here, not only am I the butt of  ridicule, also a  Negative marking  thawing  me, my roots. A   Sense of morbid helplessness and shame eating me alive. I ruminate, did it
fly through the window ?  or is it lurking  beneath my feet, oh! Then how lucky should  I be.’     ..... The dramatic monologue inwardly is going on, painful and me with a   pale face . The  good  hearted  lady , next to me, in  an exuberance shouted ,’’here, here It is sandwiched, between you and my seat, on the divider. See if it is yours.’’
Thank   God, sensing my cogitations, the checking drive went   further down, giving me some more time and allowance for me to search. Those  were  the  moments  of  my cripple, tension, anxiety  and helplessness. There  were so many before, for no fault of  them, had  undergone a similar situation . At the same time, quite  a number,  with  a  fake belief, that  they would be  scot-free ,glued  to  their  seats, viewing  through  the privileged  government  window.
By the time  the ordeal of search  was over . Oft  we wonder  what is  There in  a  place, in a piece of paper? My troubled dictates, today divulged  Or proclaimed  that so much is there in a piece of paper, in   ticket, Whether crumbled or torn it is altogether a different issue, yet it is assuredly, beyond  our  apprehension, and  view,
A significant emblem of authentication, a vital travel passport till  Your destination, why  sometimes, even after you reach your place. I  recall somebody trying to trace his missing bag, he forgot the details Of the bus, time etc., this tiny paper, ticket helped him solve the clue. I narrated this  to my nonagenarian  uncle  and my  son
Who returned with  a fitting Diwali message, in future when  you are travelling ,‘’HOLD ON TIGHT TO IT.’’
Dr. Mrs. Radhamani   Sarma,
Retired  professor of  English.
Email  id

Friday, October 03, 2014


 Was   it   a Dream?  A  “visionary gleam” I know not.
 That  caracal which  I saw, triggered fear in me,
Leaving behind   traces of ferocity.
I recall it pounced my closest   kith .
What happened to his body after two decades?
I visualise the active keeper, meditating  and
Spending  his time on  reading and prying into
Questions of  Soul –searching  identity,
Questions what  transmigration the soul  has undertaken?
What  nature of birth, what living  it has shaped
Into the  deceased   kith’s body?
This  venture is like a  Mountain  doing
A  great  penance  and Yoga  and  Yaga.
It  takes a  vow  no more  hunting  for a   meal,
Throwing  message of  wisdom 
Upto  the  air merging  with  the cries

Of  cicadas  and  hawks.