Thursday, September 11, 2014


Sheltered   in  my  sobered  cove  of
Rumination followed  by  writing,
My view catches  the sudden pirouette ,
 Frisk  and  swoop  on the  oval shaped  mound.        
The  orange  eyed, peacock   coloured
neck of  the  exotic  bird  shines  through
the  balcony, more  by its calls  for  its  clan,
pecking  at the  rice balls,  my   daily ritual
of  feeding   my  usual  visitors.
Each  careful   peck  at  the  particle ,
Is  the  gratification   I receive,
Suffice  of  hunger  for  the  birds,
They don’t distinguish  stale  rice
Or  fresh ones. A whiff  of  wind
throws  all the  food  particles
much to the  chagrin  of starved,
yet  my privilege  these  birds     are.
Their fond look of expectation,
My replenishing the  plastic   plate
 A  source of bonafide   Benediction   for me.

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