Sunday, June 15, 2014

3)     Water
It  stays, sacredly  originates,  traditionally
On  the  braided , twisted   hair of  Shiva,
God  Shiva  is  not  possessive, How  can He?
Gods  are not possessive, Shiva lets the water
flow  to the Earth, Ground,Mountains, falls,
it  riggles,wiggles adapting   the path it is
destined  to  go by.                              
 Be it  normal gland,
membrane gland, you  watery regime,        
you protect  impartial,bounteous,as the
Merciful  falls  on the  ground, saving  our  lives.
You are in the basin in the hospital ,onlooker.
Glory to you! You are in the  Tulsi  leaves, the
Last  drop  on the   bidding  adieu to the  earth,
The  fluid  that  consecrates  the   ones  seeking 
Holy bath in the  Ganges, Gaya.  You are  Maya,
Mystery, manifold directions to go and  flow.                                         

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