Friday, March 14, 2014

My Garden.

                 My   Garden.
In my not peremptory  home  garden,
Which  is  not    Garden of  Eden,
Neither is it a  den of  thistles,
No piled up   garbages, yet garnished
With  well pruned, protected  plants
Of    Jasmines,  Roses, Chrysanthemum
and  hither and thither  heather too.
Serpentine ,decorative  frills  to
Take you  plenty   around.
No nymphs no fawns:
Could  be  rosebuds  are   fawns,
The cute, kitten  are nymphs ,
You sit in a  corner of  a mound,
Type  and  tweet ,twitter with
The  birds  soaring   blue  benign.
 No killings, no  yearning,
My  home  garden ,glowing
With   serene,serendipity ever.

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