Friday, July 05, 2013

Watching through my kitchen window.

As   I was watching   through my kitchen   window
Criss   crossed  by  barbed wires   mesh,
Doves, sparrows    and    crows  visit   the
Sixth   storied    window  slabs , peck,
Walk  like  a  security  guard,
 Share  the  food  particles  offered
By  housewives, a ritualistic  process
To  remember and worship the dead 
and  gone.    Belief ,  grand  visitation 
through  these  birds.
Same time  a    flash in  my  memory
Newspaper   reports   somebody
Committed  suicide  due to debt
Jumping off   from  top  floor;
Else   where similar case due
to   failure  in  love.  
I   ponder  why  these  cowards
Have  scant  respects for  their  souls
Precious  life , only one
 we know  In this   Birth?   

In side  the  kitchen 
So  much happens,
 Milk boiler whistles,
Hot pellets  of  water
Through  the  whistle  gap,
Boiling  point   is over.
Metro  water  tap    which is
not    closed  completely,
gives    outbursts  of
starting   trouble.

I open  my    refrigerator
My  eye  captures  an
American  emblem,
Toy   aircraft  affixed 
On  the   crimson   door,
Oh! This  American  desire
Is  both   a   miracle and  a  mirage,
A  wonder   working  machine 
and   elusive   stick.
All depends upon  the  deserving.

The  Avatar, embedded or
Seated   in  my  heart,
By  intuitive  turns,
Affirms, work   hard,
Grip   the   quill   with 
diligence    and  flow.
I will  take  you  to

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