Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Quintet-- They don’t want their abode to miss.

          Quintet--   They  don’t  want   their   abode   to  miss.

To   lay   a   pipe     I dug    a   ground   on  the  road,
Rugged  stones, mud   and  clay   and  anthills
Inside    the  murky ,  dormant   they play   inroad;
Still   they  can  withstand    heavy    bore  and     goad,

Roll  and  roll, they  don’t  want their  abodes  to  miss.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Motel.

   The    Motel. ( Modelled on inns, with a modern tinge).

The  politicised   Agnostic  platform
Throbs   with   debates   and wranglers
Full  throated    public  harangues,     
The  acoustics   tremble  of  trepidation .

Here, liveried worker in the motel
Meticulously  holds  the    cups  and dishes
For  there,  ekes  out   a   precarious
Living,   sustains    his   meagre  earning job.

There is also  the  modernised   maid
 Uplifted   hair, a  mobile  tucked up
In  her sari, every now  and then
Giving   instructions  to her  daughter.

It is  the doormat she shrugs gently
While  her new  broom   touches  the floor,
The  coloured  mat can   stand three  weeks
Before  it  craves for  washing in the bucket,

Tangibly   by   the  entrance    a  cat, a  puppy
Grimace   at  the  passes by. Hungry  visitors
throng   in , a  Mahatma  Gandhi,  Nehru

and   Mother   Teresa   on the wall  bless  the motel. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Some contradictions ---quatrains

    Some  contradictions--  quatrains 

In   the squareness  of  this   Earth,  
We  come rounding, rounded  up. 
Nowhere, there is    mound of   Dearth 
Of  spiritual  and cultural   popping   up.

 pine  and cedar  turn  and  stand    opposite ,
grass  and  grass hopper  intertwine,
timber   and  smoke  seem   Apposite,
Satan    and    sardonic   negative    twain.  

Yet, somewhere  there is  a vehement voice .
Candle lamp    and  glow-worm  merge .
At   the  chapel,   there  the  priest   is,
Avowed    notions   Submerge .

In  the   squareness    of   this  Earth,
We   come   rounding, rounded  up.
Yet,  so much  of  tantrums  beneath ,
We come rounding, rounded up.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A memory, A Home, and piece of Fine writing

A   Memory,  a  Home,   and  a piece of   Fine  writing.

 A Memory, inerasable, lasting unto   the   last
Precious  moment   of   your  final  breath,
As   fresh  as Lavender,  as  pure ,pristine, holy
As  Altar  of   Vedic     rituals;
A  home   of  ancestral   pillared    conduction,   
With   a  provision  of  tiny  domes for
Sparrows  to  twitter  and   chat ,not  envying,                                
 Lesson  of  reprimand  for  those
Bickering    for   division of    land  and field,
Fiction  beyond  the  Thriller, crime  and
 romance , a  delectable   piece of  poetry,
Heart’s  mysterious   secret identity.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The after journey

  The  after  journey.

Karma    steers   the  chariot, in  slow  motion,
One  who  already  breathed out  is , without   motion
The charioteer ,gibberish  appears,
Every now  and then ,looks back, giggles,
It  is   a  long  way ,  again, to  find   a suitable
temperament   and   Body   to  fix  you amiable,
your   comrade the  SOUL ,already wanders along,

to   shake  hands   with one  to get  along.    

The Ganges is Eternal, Banaras is Eternal.

The  Ganges  is Eternal, Banaras is Eternal.

 Kasi   kshetram(  holy  city),or  Banaras
Gurgling  with  the  waters, Sun’s  rays
almost    horizontal , could  be
They    also   take    a   dip.
Now  to  CLEANSE  the    fossil,
Fulminated  by   the spooky,
Smell of  the  dead, burning   bodies ..

The  Ganges   is  holy, ETERNAL, purifying,
Established     Belief  runs.
I  visit  the  holy  city treading 
The  steps frequented , habituated  
By  the  hawkers,  vendors of
Idols, coppers  urns, sacred  idols
On the steps, in shops.

The  urn ,carrying my grand mother’s
ashes, travels  the cosy A/C coach ,
When  alive, she battling  with  logs
Of  fire wood, tending  cows,
Travels  now   to be immersed
In the  holy  river. She lived   a  life
Of  Dignity, Silent  suffering.

Yonder,  there are many dead bodies,
Many  urns of  ashes getting  immersed,
The  Ganges is Eternal,
Where   Life  and   Death
merge   and   get resuscitated ,
The  Ganges is  Eternal,
Pundits   are   still  chanting,
Vibration  goes  on.

Monday, July 08, 2013



It  is  not  a  journey  across  space,
Commitment  and  dedication  involving
The   zone  factor of  risk too,
It is  a  journey   across  your
mental  plane , factual  rhythms
of   cerebellum  quickly  move along.    

That  was the  day , me  seated  in
The  corner  of  intercity express
From  Bangor  to Euston ,
Slowly  the  Sun   warms up,
gobbles  not   the  cloudy bouts, 
allowing  them  to go.

The   glossy  river  on my  left,
foamy  and  dogmatic too:
As  the  train  speed  past,
ancient    mystery is  repeatedly
unravelled.  Rivers  and  rocky
mountains , embodiments of

Eternity’s   monuments, nullifying
Our  dogma of scepticism
agnosticism  too. In Milton Keynes
I see  a traveller  chains  his  child,
 Dragging ,  know  not  why?
Discipline   reinforced this way,

Or  safety ensured,
to   assure  himself,
I recollected in  India,
Fire  engulfed  the
mentally   retarded ,charred  whose
 legs were chained, what more

cruel ,  barbarous , to  those
innocent  victims?
Would   homage  punctual
Every year  retrieve them, dumbfounded?

Friday, July 05, 2013

Watching through my kitchen window.

As   I was watching   through my kitchen   window
Criss   crossed  by  barbed wires   mesh,
Doves, sparrows    and    crows  visit   the
Sixth   storied    window  slabs , peck,
Walk  like  a  security  guard,
 Share  the  food  particles  offered
By  housewives, a ritualistic  process
To  remember and worship the dead 
and  gone.    Belief ,  grand  visitation 
through  these  birds.
Same time  a    flash in  my  memory
Newspaper   reports   somebody
Committed  suicide  due to debt
Jumping off   from  top  floor;
Else   where similar case due
to   failure  in  love.  
I   ponder  why  these  cowards
Have  scant  respects for  their  souls
Precious  life , only one
 we know  In this   Birth?   

In side  the  kitchen 
So  much happens,
 Milk boiler whistles,
Hot pellets  of  water
Through  the  whistle  gap,
Boiling  point   is over.
Metro  water  tap    which is
not    closed  completely,
gives    outbursts  of
starting   trouble.

I open  my    refrigerator
My  eye  captures  an
American  emblem,
Toy   aircraft  affixed 
On  the   crimson   door,
Oh! This  American  desire
Is  both   a   miracle and  a  mirage,
A  wonder   working  machine 
and   elusive   stick.
All depends upon  the  deserving.

The  Avatar, embedded or
Seated   in  my  heart,
By  intuitive  turns,
Affirms, work   hard,
Grip   the   quill   with 
diligence    and  flow.
I will  take  you  to

Monday, July 01, 2013

The Sky.

 Mythically   Vast,   delectably  azure,
Unfold able , cute   and  each
twinkling  star  is  an introduction
to  a   tale  of  bewitching   romance:

At  times , when your mood  is  upset,
 thundering, dark  and devilish,
Satanic   clouds    emitting 
anger  and fury:

When   I fly high in the sky,
 Feel  like   touching  you
 My  friend, my  poetic  aura,
Your   suzerainty,  I worship.

 Imagine,folding  and  bringing 
Into  the aircraft, but  your
elusive , expansive  show
laughs    at my folly!