Friday, September 07, 2012

poster poems September

  Poster poems  ---- September.

 Majestic   August  is  going  away,
Sun  beams   dim,  recline  westward,
Maudling   Pale    is  covering    the 
Stems     already  with  a   denial
To   accommodate
 Those   drooping  leaves:
 I  hurriedly  trod  upon  these
Rusty  brown  leaves,
Scattering, scattering   are
Those    leaves  yet  gathering
Garnished   moments  in life
Once  upon  a  time  precious 
Moments   they  were
Golden   and  shining,
But  faded  by   Time’s   calumny.
I cannot  hum ‘  come  September’
I  look  up  to  see  the  fallen  kite
Clinging  upon  the  hinges  of
The   thin  barred  branches,
 It  fritters, tries  to  extricate ,
You  watch on  with  a  rug  
To  cover  slashed  self.

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