Wednesday, August 08, 2012

A thought stemming out in the cool air

     A   thought   stemming  out  in the   cool   air.  

The  piercing   smell  of  the  fuzzy    air,
It is   the just   rained    wetland,
The   serenading   flowers  ,they 
In   their  own  way,  away   from

This   ragamuffin   fellow   creatures
  resting   in the  garden, unwilling 
to  have  a  grip  of  reality:  refusing
to  comprehend  the   grandeur of  Nature.

You  wander   away, think  of  worshipful
Grandma   plucking   Tutsi  leaves ,
That  was some  years   ago.  You   wish
To    see   the   incarnation  of  her  Soul

Somewhere    in the garden. Yonder
‘ Krishna  consciousness’    band  is   moving:
A  message  in  the  battlefield, long   ago
A   legacy   to   the   world    at  large.

On   the  other,  stifling  consciousness   
Now, you   send   SOS   to  Krishna,
Krishna   is   everywhere,  only  when
You tread with  the  steps  of  Trusted  Devotion.

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