Saturday, December 24, 2011

It falls

  It    falls

I   look  up straining    my  neck,
after  forty  eight  hours  of   steadfast
dangling  in the  air, it  dances,
holds  stead fast,  undaunted,
It  is  like  me , content  to be
By itself  in   a  sedate corner:
The  tiny, threadlike, in  for 
Steady growth, it  perpetuates
Its   life  in the  void, in the corner,
Fearless ,except it  falls in the        
Eyes  of  those evil  and greedy      
ready  to  devour  and destroy,
a  timely  tap  on the board
deters  the   lizard, I watch ,
the  filmy  weaves  a  web
of  its own,  content   and careful.

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