Monday, November 14, 2011

Life is ..

  Life    is.

Life    is a    blithe  spirit                                                    
Circling ,  soaring   higher,
Methought, suddenly                 
In  a   swoop  drawn  by 
Many   spooky    arrows,
Dives   to   this     earth,
Wound cuts  still  pierce,
Make  it  bleed,            
Some  sage in  a passerby
Soothes  with   medicinal  care,

In  another  event, this
Wheel   of  life   racing ,
But   too  many  stumbling  blocks
 Clustering  speed  breakers
Dismantle  the  wheel of 
Commercialised, uncheked
 Wheel Now  comes off,
Awaits  a  fresh  lease of life.
 Both   eager  to  take off.

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