Friday, July 08, 2011

What is poetry...A parody on those that give a twist to poetry

What  is  poetry ....... A  parody   on those  that give   a  twist to poetry.
   Not  for  poetry  lovers.

What   is  poetry? What  is  it    that pretends
to   be  whimsical, quizzical, inspired,
emotionally   tearing,   turgid, bland,
a  microbe  creeping  from  underneath
the  doormat, reaching  the  top  of
the cerebellum, masquerading   your
imagination,  rants  and  cants  of  
a   warrior, furtive,  deserting lover
ominous  bat  entering  home
 dead  turtle  on   the  roaring  shore,
yet,  my  Muse  tends  to be  musical ,
adds  to  the  sacramental
  notations   of  the   Shore.

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