Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nature's Way.

      Nature’s  way.

In   the   innocent  childlike  Morn,
they  are the   tender  rays,   penetrate
to    reach  the  greenery,  the    leaves,

They  are  the  active, blinking ,smiley’s               
take   turbulent  turns  on the  screen, 
foraying   up  and down  in  colourful  ambience, 

The   sticky caterpillar   safe, underneath
   the  leaves ,  Coiling   and  extending upwards,     
unshakable   the  coils   are  even

by the  whiff  of  the  winds:
with  yesterday  the  passing  of  the
summer’s  teasing  and testing  heat

Autumnal   shreds  recoil  on
The  ground   I walk  by ,
The   tree  is  the  mere  onlooker  .

Monday, July 18, 2011

The  bud  and  pecking  bird,
Up fronting  green plants,
 uncertain  of  the
Toppling  winds  sweeping
With  a  thud ,that of   a
Infuriated, possessed   monster,        
Infamously possessing  the land,
The  growing  embryo in
The mother’s womb , cosy
and   breathing  the  comfort
of  the  tender walls ,                   
uncertain of  its stay,
for  the  abortive pill 
supposed  to  preserve the
beauty  of  its  bearer,
the  books  borrowed  but
not  returned , the  certainly                                                                                                      
uncertain  lender  erases   the
thought of it from  his   memory,
 The   strong   karmic  Thread of  God’s
Creation    hanging  loose  on
Devious  thinking  of  Man,
for  his  doings  and undoing
are  uncertain  on the 
whimpering  ball  of  falling;
Only  the  blinking  stars and
The  roaring  Blue  are
Certain  to  testify  their mission
Of  stamping   on  uncertain  papers.

Friday, July 08, 2011

What is poetry...A parody on those that give a twist to poetry

What  is  poetry ....... A  parody   on those  that give   a  twist to poetry.
   Not  for  poetry  lovers.

What   is  poetry? What  is  it    that pretends
to   be  whimsical, quizzical, inspired,
emotionally   tearing,   turgid, bland,
a  microbe  creeping  from  underneath
the  doormat, reaching  the  top  of
the cerebellum, masquerading   your
imagination,  rants  and  cants  of  
a   warrior, furtive,  deserting lover
ominous  bat  entering  home
 dead  turtle  on   the  roaring  shore,
yet,  my  Muse  tends  to be  musical ,
adds  to  the  sacramental
  notations   of  the   Shore.

Friday, July 01, 2011

On the  sands, on the land....

It  is  a   massive  breathless whale
 Cast on the  shore,  ye, ruthless 
Waves   slash    the  dead:
Years  of  dwelling   on the  sea
 To  no  end, water’s  crude  treatment,
Yet  I hear  the gyrating  rhythm,
The  Blue  itself   is    mesmerised       
The  journey’s mystery is  beyond
The comprehension of the                    
Eternal  terrifying  depthless  vast.

On the sands,  an improvised tent,
Where   urchins   sip coca, set  the               
Stage   for   carom   and   chess :
Game  is  life for them;                                                                                                                                                         
On the  Land, most  veil 
Already  their  masked  face,                    
Life  is  their  game  for  them,
Win  or  lose  it is  a  necessary  morsel.

Yet   there is   another jubilant  group
Playing  on the  abandoned    boat,
Picking up    shells,  delving into 
The  mystery of their  cast and mould.
They   prefer  to  get  drenched
Watery  splashes  ,salty  froth  all over.
Play, play  they  all play
Play  to  their full  content.

There   are the waves, tidal   knots,
Rolling  over, resounding  as  if
The cosmic  supremacy of  the Universe.
I  hear  a  murmur  of 
Strange   voice, dictum  envisioned,
It  is , it is  all notations ,          
avidly     Preset  calculations.