Thursday, April 14, 2011

You are dragged by...

You  are dragged  by  ........
 You    sit  in the  window   seat  of the
Deluxe bus, a  window  , a must  for  all ;
  The  flying horse,   already  started with 
A  mechanical  load of  passengers,
Red  soil, agitated, flares   up,
Playing  blind man’s buff,
e- Ticket punctures   your   countenance
for it is disappointed since  you  scantily
care  for your destination:  knocks
  your    panjandrums  though  you 
 don’t  appear  to be.  You  cant 
measure  the  distance,  hot  and
cold   temperature,  for  there is  a
boiling point  from within,  fling  the
euphoria  of  suffocated   existence,
blow  the  balloon of   heightened
Scattered   imagination,   a  live
Rehearsal of  the hollowed    past,
You   are   immersed in   a  different world,
Destination  reaches  you, by the repeated
Call of the  Conductor, your  handbag
Dragging  you  slowly there.


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