Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What a difference!

What a difference!

My Labrador does not sulk in the
Corner of my broad garage
but with its accustomed, massive,
wary, watchful look purveys
the surveyor and the casual passersby.
the white spongy , tail wagging,
Puppy, my puppy , now sudden
crosses with a dried bone
dexterously holding or handling.
Limpid or dried what does it matter?
there goes a woman in synthetic sari,
half covered and half let loose,
yet holding that cloth bag tight,
with unassumingly simple cloth bag,
not to provoke any suspicion
not nitwit, but meticulously arranged
carrying not papers but sins of supple
and manipulated texture, lithe , forged
and implied fornications,
denigrations of Gods,
she amply furthers , not knowing
when fallen , kicked and given Dog’s treatment.

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