It is not just as you think easy,
as pretty cool as to taste an ice cream
Or fruit salad, the cut fruits bit bit,
sip coke by a straw, and throw away
the folded and crushed straw in a bin
or leave the cute cups on the table unwashed,
I pick up a thin crushed paper,
To wipe my hands,
It is not as you think easy,
I think, think, and thank Heavens;
as existence has birth and death,
followed by the traumatic path of its journey,
living and dying ordained by Him who has chosen
It to be, if it be two legged or one eyed,
giant or dwarf, pauper or affluent,
It is not as you think easy,
I think, think and thank Heaven;
the rustling thin paper wails,
the kite from the ground by a
slender thread by a pulling hand,
before we became crumpled papers,
all sides tagged , whispers
we were live on trees,
We hang on to the empty balloons,
Whimper any time,
It is not as easy as you think,
I think think and thank Heaven.
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