‘Calabash’ A clash of ideas
What do you think of God’s creation?
Very first creation? A succulent orange
Plump apple or fig covered by leaves?
A rosy pot of luck or white jasmine in
the garden permeating fragrance?
The first man was
out of stick and mud,
Fashioned according to his full fledged
design and care
and caution. But Man
described him as “ shoddy bricolage”
expressed a
peculiar desire he wanted
a man to befriend with .A calabash was
the ultimate choice, God would have
certainly been bemused at Man’s requisite
beyond explanation or solution. Original
mud and stick and roundness now, what a
contrast in ideas? God is bewildered now;
but man and woman -all the more in a state
of stupor, decision less moments. What we
do call this?