Saturday, October 27, 2018

Three poetess ( Guardian)

Three  poetess ( Guardian)

Three poetesses dressed in
full decorum, around polished
oval shaped table, group their
discussions on poetry and meter.

Suddenly   a man comes
 through  the back door
 on friendly note and terms,
smiles to begin a conversation.

Is he a poet, or a stranger?
a wizard, a  snow man dripping ?
or  a sage or miracle man
tying talisman to the needy?

The three are alive to the
Situation yet converse in
full throated ease, their
point of view tapping the Muse.

Just as  the door, air peeps in
and out, their books glow
turn the pages, the mirror
opposite reflect all in grandeur.

As he came, the figure walked out.

Friday, October 19, 2018

After---- Manhattan by Lola Ridge

After---- Manhattan by Lola Ridge

Out of the night,you burn, burn,
City’s attraction and fame
attracting vast tourists like
A sudden flame, numinous  
In its burning through :

Capturing markets and trade centers
Just as Gold in uppermost corners
Shining with a glow and  spark;
Jades and  blues almost fanning
Sky’s jubilant star kingdom.

Diaphanous gold in tall towers,
in stock markets  and  chambers
Of commerce   and   storied buildings
change hand to hand in different modes.
Trading  soaring into dizzy heights!

Nebulous gold, example of ephemeral
glory and vanishing principles rampant
in gambling and business shifts and lifts
mechanical in up and down exercises.

Still you glow glow into
ever-increasing charm
of full blown harvest nodding.

Friday, October 12, 2018

After Guardian ( A corner of the road)

After Guardian   ( A corner of the road)

As  I have  a  stroll in the wake
Of pristine Dawn, cool moon
Still shining, a gangly rose bush
Five flowers of hope and opulence
Spreading  aura along the pathway.

Constellation of the  Goat is there
glowing like  a message of   Messiah!
No drought! Water flows and pink
Blooming! but suddenly I witness
A reverse elsewhere “The ditch ran ink”

Is it due to the soil or the times?
Diurnal falling slow, night shadowed
by another shadow; I began to see,
me in helpless predicament. A ray

of  Hope  in the white sky
“Constellation of the Goat is there”

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A Spirit breathes in

A  Spirit breathes in

It is not a  black granite
or  carved  idols  of some
Indian  deities we worship
by offerings of sandal paste,
fragrant flowers and holy waters,

It is not a blotched plant,
bunch of sacred leaves,
décor adorning the  urn,
sprinkles holy all around
the venerable spot of Belief,

Not the Mantra chanting
aloud  or  Vedic recitals
of scholars and erudite pundits,
propitiating   Gods and  angels
throughout the day from Dawn,

neither the offerings of
puddings and   rice cakes
of jaggery and pure ghee
flowing in plantain leaves
or holding in sacred vessels,

mind wandering elsewhere,
application rescinded or duplication
entertained with currency embalmed
in  conscience of convenience,
but a Firm Dedicated Spirit

of Absolute Surrender to  HIS WILL
that prevails His Domain and care.

Friday, October 05, 2018

After (The Quiet Snow by Raymond Knister)

  After  (The Quiet Snow by Raymond Knister)

Snow is speed enough

Static train or moving trucks
curvature of tracks, it snows,
merciless and snowy still.

Open the window ajar,
look through window.
If it is still snowing;

There is a space less
 rhythm in its fall,
 though may not be

in your flavor. All
activity in standstill,
yet moving ahead.

walkers  and  vendors
office goers and busy
commuters view this

mirage throughout.

Mirage for it is
melting soon.