Monday, November 28, 2016

     Meeting point   (guardian)

  Time  was  away, did  not want  to sway
 Nor   it inclined to intrude  into  our  ways
For  Time  knows  we are  beyond  access;
Yet,  lovers  and couples  congregated 
In their  meeting  point of  choice.       
Time   did  not  heed  their needs.

 Gunshots  and  pellets  and  volley
Soldiers   and   sacrifice  and  pool of  blood,
Time  watched  and  warned but
Did not  stay, but  far away.                                                                      
Bell   in  the  center    twanged
As  if  to give  a  sharp  signal.

 Time  was very  clever  and cool
Conscious of  its  moorings of impact.
Be it  the gushing wave, dashing spirit,
Cool   Moon  or  the  Azure, or  The
Deep, both  in  Good   and The  Bad,
Time was away, with  its  wary eyes.


Friday, November 25, 2016

haiku on thanksgiving day in US

    this  day   thanksgiving
    bestowed on us  the gift 

 blood  and  gun  hardened
 feast  follows     felt  feelings

  tears  of  thanks giving

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

1)   red   syringe   into vein
   rebuffs –  refusal  to  befriend
   another   poison

2) leafs   dance -   bonanza
 soon    a   mix  in    bowl
 for    necromancy.

3)    Pillow  slipping
       declines   head  puffed  up
      with  pride.

4)     trampling    grass 
        humility  whispering
        me  inside        

 5) milk boiler  whistles
  Tv remote  takes  upper
  lower  mode 

6)  looking   at  the  clouds
    her  heart   embraces  into
    the  other world

7)  tick  off  a  page
  in the  watchful  calendar
 debtor  paid off

8)   staring  at   the wall
    telephone  handset  wails
    self  is   useless

9  my  “i”  certainly
negates   with    the   theory
  of    solipsism   

10    In   that  shade
         She  builds  castles
           Over  there.  


Friday, November 18, 2016

Flower Remedies

      Flower  Remedies

I listen to the Call of my intent Voice,
Gyrating  always to   prone  and  guide,
look  at  the seas, dashing  waves   and
compare   and  compeer  with  the emotions
of many  afflicted  suppressing  their  inward
turmoil within  the  four  walls of  lubtub.
My  Rose  garden flowers  with  jasmine  too
With  the  wind  flowing   and  blowing
Enchanting  aroma  instil  a   therapy
At  least  for  the moment ;  balsam
Like  an efficient  curator  and  cure
Assured  herbal    mix. Whether  four
Flowers  or  forty in  bunch,  they
Are  evergreen in our memory
Decor  our   worshipful  hall of
 Meditation  and  Devotion.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

A take on Psalm Mary Sydney- Guardian

A take on  psalm 52   Mary  Sydney    –Guardian

Oh! Treachery ! don’t be confident,
You can  for ever hang  around  the
 Shoulders of your faithful  master,
For  the villainy be  sure exposed  by
His  Miraculous  Workings,  The
Universal  Creator,  and Maker
In   due  course  to  snub   your  nose.
 Time   and  time  factor  alone
 Has  a   Definite  say in this
Pre-ordained   play  and  counter play
 For  certitude  and   ever.

 Your  lies   and  lures of wicked
Set on those  who believed  you
Would  be  Intersected    by   sharper
 Blades of  His   super  strategic  tact.
  The  Good  always  takes  asylum in
The Kingdom of  God, whereas
The  boast  and  arrogant  vile
like  you  and  your  parasites
gloat in a  murky pond of
self   beating  drum  and  end up
in  defeat  and  denial.

God’s  gates  are always  open
Impartial  for all: Good  and pious
 Stand    at  His  Gates, while  you
And   your questioning  vile  believe
In the  Negation  of  the Door.
Still  we  hold the Olive
 To  augment  peace  and goodwill;
Yet, you revel in your narrow
World of  abnegation  of  common 
Sense  and  righteousness. Who
Can  go against  Karma ?Destiny?


Thursday, November 10, 2016

A ritual ever

A ritual  ever.   )

Throw  away the  clutter of  hatred
and  calumny  in the  laburnum
filled   pot of  stay:
Slice  off  the   cornered   decayed
Part of Apple ;  peel away
Oozing  orange, drawing  a 
Melange in the melalrmine cup 
 On the   Chippendale  table
Surrounded   by  four elegant  chairs.

Not   office -  rotating chairs,
nor  reclining cane chairs of
comfort, nor  even the  painted
wood but  Chippendale   Chairs
invitatory set of  welcome kits.

Sit  and  Muse sacred.
Age  always has its impact,
 Look  at  the picture  above
Your forehead,  guidance
Your Gift  and  benign pot
Of  Luck : Yonder  breeze
From   A tree of unwithering
For more hundred years.


Tuesday, November 08, 2016



This  stagnation    hoary  and  stultifying
making  its  inroads  like  blunderbuss
inside  the pocket of  sentinel wary.
From   afar I try to  thwart it
Day in  and  day out.

One morning  me thought ,    
 a Sycamore  be planted  new
in  my    blooming  garden      
with  prosperous  leaves  
undoing   all   numbness .

Growth  grows in  breezing
leaves , whiz past :
Booming   Hope sings  along
Copiously branched leaves;
 leaves  mythically  vibrate.

Talisman like    charm  and
towering   up  Hope  Power  up
 in  my  debilitated  heart,
clap up  for  sycamore,
 more  and  more  for protection.


Sunday, November 06, 2016

four line haiku -one

    A decor shining
    on  my  neck
     awesome  gift

2)  hoary  skeleton
 wrinkles of flesh
 deride  under

  thin  bone

Friday, November 04, 2016

Dream work of my life

Dream work    of my life --- Guardian

 I started  to   think of  my  writing ego
Passion,  books  and  creative  aura:
Nurturing on, tantamount  to a fresh sprinkler,
as  that of  a  babe clinging  to be
fed to its  mother’s   breast.  
Mother’s   milk of human kindness
being  fed into  the  tender  innocent.
Words! Words! Sprang  from  the
Core of  my heart, every  corner
Of my room   a  silent listener!
Slowly  became  a Dream  work
Of my life. With  the passage of Time
A  pleasant  daily routine   and
avowed  commitment  for 
The  Muse  ever up swelling .  
Even  the  wrist  watch ticks  extra,
resonates  every word  it  encounters.
Pulse  regular  is   rhyming  meter.