Sunday, March 29, 2015

Time,calculated,yet careless killer.

 Time ,calculated, yet  careless killer.

 From  sundial to  sunset,
Stop  watch  to alarm,
We  conscript  Time’s ringtones
and  ding dong  sounds.
Yet  Time  passes, duty conscious
 Free of its moves,
In its own  orbit   and  stipulated
Pathways. Surreptious, it kills
And  make inroads into our
Suffering  self  and  seamless
Ambitions. Yet  it passes off.
It  pierces  through  a  wrestling  match
Or  a matador  or  cavalry.
It passes  like  burning  embers
The  gasified   burial  ground
Or   mounds of  heaps of  wood
It  does  not  care or  stop,
Time  with  Eternity’s  self  passes.



My Landscape-My Self.

    My  Landscape-my self.

   Self  is  the  introspective   Garden,                             
   of  landscape, serendipity,
   isolation   and  mounds of  Meditation
   and   meandering  into  blissful  pathways
  of  rejuvenation   after  doleful  moods. 
  At  times, which way to go, know  not.
  Look up, trees, birds and blooming parts,
  Total  self  abnegation. No questioning
  His Dictum, Ordinance, Decree.
  Surrender to  the Will of  God.
  Azure   sky teaches the garb of
   Contentment    and glitter.


A tete-tete with The Trinity.

A tete-e –tete  with  The  Tri nity        
 Oh! Brahma! With  your  farsighted
Visionary   gleam   and multitask  and skills
Don’t  go on creating, lest  the influx should
Become  unaccountable  and unbearable :
Though we, the ordinary do not know 
Your  far-reaching  purport  and design.
Let   Vishnu also unfold His merciful
Umbrella of protection and ubiquitous
notation  of  solace  and security
to wean out  the  Karma  Ere Lord 
Shiva  blows  his  Conch  of
Caution  and incarceration.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Landscape-Life's Breath

   Landscape-Life’s Breath

Hot  hot boiling,  angrier emotions  blow
Your Self, turn towards  Exorcist like trees
Bending  far and wide, also  mesmerizing  like;
 while   cooler  winds  blow  from  afar;
Earth’s  inborn cove of  Eden like :
The  greenery, embodiment of serenity,
Cicadas  and  linguistically  repetitive
 Parrots  of   clarity   in  tone   and   gesture;
 From  your  balcony’s stretch, myriad
Planes  take off, landscape’s pride,
 Your  peace  and clairvoyance,
 Rivet  upon  man’s living  and lure.
The Blue  azure  with unfold able 
Carpet  of twinkle  and  merge,
Your  curtain drawings  who  can  gainsay ?

This Bewildering Bone

       This   bewildering   bone

In my  Not  gritty mood of determination
to  have  a full round of  walk hundred times
A  circle around  me, I sat on a  cement platform;
Afore concrete   took  possession  of construction  site.
Exhausted, chanced upon a Bone, Can’t  predict  the  
Age, still  nourished by Sun’s  ebullient  rays.
Methinks, it  is a child’s play to  prick it
With   a needle  or  piercing  slender  stick.
 But hardened  shell  like,  now  hints of 
How  in its  youthful  days, it was embalmed
Of  accolades of  blood  and flesh pouring in!
What  caused  the congealment? Age  or  history
Or  Time’s merciless  take, could  be  all.
Human  or  dog’s, it is cornered  now.               

Friday, March 20, 2015

Library is still alive.

             Library   is  still  alive
Agile  reading  is  alive,  avid  writing  is alive,
I perceive in the fresh, polished   racks,
Neatly  stacked  by  ebullient  hands.                                 
Charles  Lamb  gently  taps  to  relive
Those  days  of  Bodleian  library
Of my undergraduate  days:
At   times, moth eaten pages
 In  some  libraries of  underdeveloped ,
Still  fritter  by the impending
Disastrous  winds. Threat  for my thread.
Why?  there is  still   romping  Romance.
Impassioned speeches, feuds,
Cleopatra’s moods, Malvolio’s
Self love, Witty clown’s intelligent remarks,
All  in  some   gritty, hurried  notes
For  Annotations. What  is not  there
In the library? I share  the biblio-geography
In   superabundance  flowing.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

                                     Rock  muses.

                            I am impenetrable,  ageless,
                            Like   Maya’s doings or undoing.
                           Every flashy  splash, frothy gear
                          Rolling  crab  and crank by  the
                           Sand  dunes, touch  and negate.
                           I see  Shiva  with  His wary  eyes
                           Move less  midst  the manes.
                           His  celestial  locks   playing  on
                           The  body of  curvatures.

The Twin Watching

                                 4)     The  Twin  watching

                            Time on His  winged Chariot,
                            Faith, the Healer, twine and inspect,
                            Let  things  go. Even  a  scrap has
                            To  see its  fate  and  deposit in tune;
                            Cornered   brambles fritter  proud

                             By the   speedy wind.
                                  “What is wrong  with  you?”

                             What   is wrong  with  you?”
                             What is  wrong  with  you  abominably?
                            A conscious  query in the sub conscious  segment
                             Like  Zero  balance, the ignorance
                            Thumping  you  with  a  Victorian  banner,
                            Till  recently, stunning  events and  anecdotes,
                            Alarmingly move, yet move not the  arrogantly
                            Seditious, we move  on Challenging the times.
                            Clock  ticking  as if  to absorb everything
                            In its  tide.  The lolling    octogenarian musing;
                            If  the  Times  are challenging  or unthinking
                           In the  human, Challenges the Supreme.

                            Who  cares? 

                      The epicurean   verve  once dashing
                     Now a dust, a sediment on the bowl.
                     A  crumbled  shirt hanging on the wall.
                     Speaks of  abuse  in its vintage.
                     Intermittent  cough. Phlegm  spat thoughtlessly
                     Mocking the moribund. Looks as if  it says
                    ‘Glad I came out.’  In short it is going to                
                     Die another   Death. Who  cares?                                        

The Blade on the Grass

                                        The  Blade  On the   Grass.
                    The glimmering, yet uncut ting  blade,
                     Lie  aslant, uncared for, 
                    The  edges wear  a  worried look;
                    Its  bluntness  from constant exposure
                    to fogginess, looks  as if unforgiving 
                    the  weather, for  the degradation  wrought.
                    While the Grass is  paying  Thanksgiving,
                     Dancing  with hue and sturdy,
                    Wintry  shield  pampers the bunch.
                    How  two lie on the  selfsame  bed!


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

What 9/11 says!

                                          What 9/11 says!
                   Our heroic saga was kite bursting                
  No sea shore, no play by the beach, no trendy waves
To lure us ; as  we grow,  things do change.
A whisper with  authenticity of a  Gospel.
On   that  day   tremor is going to affect , a threat;
In the multi-storey   apartment, it is   only a   rumor,
Afore the tremor  ran down us,  a hellish fever strikes us.
Instantly how all of us came down
With  a  thud, holding our breath.
This was only an illusion, but sooner
News paper report on 9/11 turned the
Reality of  lives, an illusion.

Mid air diabolisms

       Mid  air  diabolisms

High lobby on the mid air.
Not  a  constructive, but   hellish,
Submerging all  real  Saga of lives
And  ancient Literature. Corporate
Raiding,  a  raid on the articulate,
Dumbfounding the world and onlookers.
What  could  elevators do? Before
You  and  I hovered there in the
Mid air, the devil’s disciple  took  hold,
Transparency was lost in
Man’s heart ever since going  against
Norms  of  life took place aided by
Rocking  skyline of money.
Until  God  descends  and consoles
“peace will come,wait”.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Those Calls of Birds!

       Those calls of  Birds!

 In  the  pristine  Dawn’s setting,
 Illumining horizon, slow  and sure,
Each bird is  a twitter, a  cardinal  voice,
Clarion  call  of  God’s Dictum.
In the plumage, I see  my ancestral lineage
Long  last  and  forgotten. Times’ duress,
of course. Though atop, Roof  often
Befriends   these  bosom pals:  Voices  are
The   Hudibras on the  fake attire 
Of  select .It is no small thing  to
Listen to these rising  and  scattering.
At   Times  Litany too. I  would
Like to listen to these.