Monday, January 30, 2012

Surfacing on the Internet. 5-7-5 poem

Surf word on the web
Singularly velvety
Poetry on flow. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

This good American Dream

This   good  American  Dream      

This    good nourishing American Dream
Of   copious  blooming like  Spring’s            
Freshness   singing  lullaby.
You  go  to  the rivulet  gurgling 
With  sound  as your  tiny  brass
Pot  gets filled, you  allow the
Tiny   innocent stream of   fish
With  glowing  fins  go  back
To  their   fluid  abode,          
Your  dream  visits  you    often:

There is this   mad  detractive   hurry,
rueful  run   into  the   moving  bus,
cling  to  the  rusted pillar
crumble   to  pieces,                     
Itch  on the skin , for 
Some .  scratches  are  too  many.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Tracking fast.

Tracking  fast

 I  look  through  the window,        
Green trees,  move  along,
Look  as if  they  run  away
From   mound   of  fire
Which  is   spreading   fast,
Proud  of   its  powers
 gifted  with  copious , 
Enriching ,destroying ,  life.
Cows on  the graze,
Cattle  bent  on the dried  grass
Popping   up in the fields;

The  train  speeds   past
rumbling    fast on the 
Curvature of tracks,
holding     many passengers
with trackless records of
memories, anecdotes , their
angst  dominating them,
I   too  carry  my  heavy  heart,
affected  by  the  see saw 
rumbles    honing   against
my poetic  voice  within.

I    open up  my  precious  page
In   the   bulky voluminous   note
Book  of  recordation  where  I  
 Scribble,  pour  my  heart’s content,
For  some  times   in  the  train,
Voiceless ,   the  bulky
Note book  served   as my pillow,  
Whispering   silent    notations
Into  my  half-conscious  ears;
I  revel  on my  improvisation:
Life  is    for   improvisation   at  times,
Train   speeds   past  doing   its  duty.                          

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

In the garden

In  the  garden.
While    the wintry  beds are
agog  to  bid  farewell ,  when
the  season   is  taking  the
last   breath, the  frosty leaves
creepy  on the  wet  land,
some crumble, some  roll on
in   clusters  like coils
to  the  corner of  the wall,
beyond which there is no
move for  that is the line
of   boundary , gentle  rays
of  Sun like  the  supple
limbs  of   New born ,
you  are  the loner ,
no,  not  yet    birds  to  chirp ,
you look  up to  the skies,
slowly  clearing  as if  to
answer  the  muddied ,
infecting , inflecting  cosmic
visions, still  the wet
smell of the soil  is invigorating,
wet  is  a  must,
that  wet  craves
in   man’s  heart,
you  are  the  loner.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I can only laugh at their folly.

     I can  only  Laugh  at  their    folly

I   can  only  laugh  at  their   treacherous
Villainy   of  folly  blinded  by  vile  avarice
going  to  land them  in quagmire
Of   retribution ; can  I call it
Incarceration of Souls, their souls
Cuffed  by  masquerading  fears
Of  uncertainty, Devil’s upper hand
Unseating   those; they   go into  Hiding.
Sun  creeps in   as if  bursting
 of clouds ,generously warming up:
quick   bouts of  Revelation.              

Friday, January 20, 2012

I'll be fine

           I’ll be fine

The  wintry  buds  in my  garden
Bid   goodbye  to  the  chilly  morn
and  slow  farewell to
  the  repressive  season;
this  cold  keeps  a  thug
attitude  on  my shoulder, 
papers  on the  table
fritter   and partake of
the  surrounding  chillness,
my  quill  is  yet steady
in   its  recordation,
a  bohemian   tempo,
 Summer’s   big  bonanza
the  golden  rays  peep in,
warm  up  my room                   
I’ll be fine  soon.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The triumphant trio

     The   triumphant     trio            

One  is  chiselling  with  acute   vision
Malleable   plank  is   shaped  into  His will
Infusing  breath   with karma.

The  Second  is   ever  wielding
His  unique  umbrella ,shields  the
Wards  of His  meticulous  care.                                   

The   Third   is   relentless, His   axe is
Shining   and unswerving;
He  is   The  Timer.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

What goes out, what comes in.

    What goes out, what comes in

   This hospital,   This  cot  ungrudgingly 
    accustomed   to many  like   me,
    the osteoporosis  inhabiting    many,
     the  wailing, overloaded   basket
     in   the   corner  awaits  the arrival 
     of  the  cleaner, clad   in  uniform
     bored  and  battered, doctor’s  chart
     determines  no   early   discharge,  a   week
     more  for   this  weak  bones’ asylum,  
     what  goes  out  is  the  use d  hypodermic ,
      cotton  soaked in    blood cots,
      what comes  in  is     the  Hope,
       smile  in  the  face  of  doctor.