Sunday, June 26, 2011

      Where  did you go  hiding  --you    SKIES?

Where  did you  go  hiding –you  azure skies?
I tried  to unfold  you  from  where  I    am positioned
 That  was my  custom when   I was young,
Even  now  attempted  this  childish   impossible play;
Did  you  go to  embrace  those  that
reached   you  abandoning  this   politics
of   muddy  earth? Did  you  beckon  those
myriad   stars   to  follow  to  be   a  fanfare?
Those   fluffy    clouds invade  not only  us,
But  also  heavens, I  suppose:
Where   did  you  go  hiding –you  azure  SKIES?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In the blazing Fire

In  the   blazing   Fire....

In  the  blazing  fire  there,
Sulking  many  aboriginal   habits ,
Roots  of  unshakable   faith,  rituals
With  glowing  embers, 
Much  to  the  censure   and
Berating   tags    of  many:

In   a  different  sort of  fire,
I see  a  few , reformed,  burn
Their   ugly sinister, restless thoughts,
Slowly  the  fire  recedes into  a
Cave  of  negation  and cessation,
Itself  engulfs   the  wicked ness.

There is  this mysterious  fire
In  many,  lurking  and virile,
beyond   embalm   and   redemption,
audaciously   poking:  a  hawk               
restive  in  its    pursuit ,
soon  to  be  subdued  by  a  different  Fire.


Monday, June 20, 2011

I walk with my soul

I walk  with my  soul.

  I  walk  with  my  Soul
  tiptoed  like  a  sepoy  
  converse  with  liberty
  measuring   an immeasurable
 vast  distance   and   vista,
 but my  companion , guide
more  alert  reads  my past
births  : a  karmic   dictum,
 births  and deaths  like   gyrating
waves ,endless  singing  a  rhythm,     
drops  me by  a   tree, 
   my  soul  envisages  me
to  be   shady  plant :         
in   a  metamorphic   mode
I am lying   a  seed.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Danger you were swallowing

Danger  you  were   swallowing.

Jasmines in  tinned box,
Fragrance    bottled up,
You  are  mauled    up in  a
Saturation  point    miserably
Don’t  know  if  saturation
and  staring  point 

 like  a tiger in a  nullah,
Staggering   and  staring  at you,
How  entwined in   a  messy ,
Pretentiously    confounding  mass,
You  are in   a dangerous world
abysmally  crude  and gruesome,

Unaware    of the whips  and  slashes,
Cucumber sandwiches
 go   stale  and dry.                                                             
While    you     contemplate  the
 overflowing meaningless  activity ,
life  in   a  break less   encryption.                                


Thursday, June 02, 2011



  The   Cool  Moon  shines  impartial,
  The    shy  paramours  on her   curvature
   Scantily   bother   about  me,
  Why  must  they,  it is my predicament,
 The  boat is sinking,  the   surfed ,angry
Tidal   waves  usurped  my  boat,
 I am slowly  sinking,  it   is   submerged,
But   not   my  Faith,                                                           
I  send    SOS   to  my   Mentor, looking
 Upwards, looking  at  the   elusive    clouds
Playing    active  hide  and   seek ,
 Suddenly   a     feel , the  noose  is
Tightening  my  neck,  I fall  unconscious,
 A  gentle  touch   by  my  Shore,
I  inhale  The  Breath   of   Faith.