Saturday, July 25, 2009

Worlds away

Worlds away
It is the worlds away
that memory keep s
Us going, living reads
Many meanings in the
Past and present,
Several things bind us
together, what separated
You and me like the
Maize from the bunch ,
to be frozen and fried,
is still a conundrum,
worlds away, may be
you are still in search
of a local habitation,
or entered into an abode
of sanguine body ,
worlds away, we are,
things make us philosophical
pine and pine for
the no more to be
attained, living is dying
into a different world
of the unknown, unknowing.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

That she is the ultimate...

That she is the ultimate...
She is the iron strong gate of the moat,
She is the bright, sun- craving lotus
In the pond, a sacred lily in the altar,
She is the bright star in the
Pram , prayer book in the
Sanctum sanctorum,
She is at the peak of the ladder
Viewing the motley crowd,
That she is undaunted, unyielding
That she is the ultimate of her times.